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to pay court

  • 1 to pay court

    to pay court

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to pay court

  • 2 to pay court to (a woman)

    to pay court to (a woman)}
    fazer a corte, cortejar (uma mulher).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to pay court to (a woman)

  • 3 pay

    [pei] 1. past tense, past participle - paid; verb
    1) (to give (money) to (someone) in exchange for goods, services etc: He paid $5 for the book.) pagar
    2) (to return (money that is owed): It's time you paid your debts.) pagar
    3) (to suffer punishment (for): You'll pay for that remark!) pagar
    4) (to be useful or profitable (to): Crime doesn't pay.) compensar
    5) (to give (attention, homage, respect etc): Pay attention!; to pay one's respects.) dar
    2. noun
    (money given or received for work etc; wages: How much pay do you get?) ordenado
    - payee
    - payment
    - pay-packet
    - pay-roll
    - pay back
    - pay off
    - pay up
    - put paid to
    * * *
    [pei] n 1 pagamento, paga, remuneração. 2 salário, ordenado, soldo. 3 recompensa, retribuição. 4 pagador (no sentido da pessoa que cumpre bem ou mal a obrigação de pagar). he is a good pay / ele é bom pagador. • vt+vi (ps and pp paid) 1 pagar: a) remunerar. I was paid the sum / a importância me foi paga. b) satisfazer um débito. it has been paid for / já está pago. c) dar em troca de compras efetuadas. I’ll pay for the dinner / pagarei o jantar. d) recompensar, gratificar. e) expiar. f) retribuir. g) retaliar. he shall pay for this / ele pagará por isso. we paid him in his own coin / pagamo-lo com a mesma moeda. h) compensar. it doesn’t pay / não vale a pena, não compensa. 2 dar lucros. it did not pay a penny / não rendeu nada. 3 ser rendoso ou proveitoso. 4 dar, prestar (atenção, cumprimentos, respeito). 5 coll punir. in the pay of ao serviço de. to pay a call coll ir ao banheiro. to pay attention prestar atenção. to pay a visit retribuir uma visita. to pay away a) desembolsar, gastar. b) Naut arriar a âncora ou as amarras. to pay back a) restituir, devolver. b) vingar-se, pagar na mesma moeda. to pay court cortejar. to pay dearly fig pagar caro. he had to pay dearly for it / custou-lhe muito caro. to pay down pagar de entrada. to pay in depositar. to pay off a) pagar, remunerar. b) pagar integralmente, saldar, liquidar (dívidas). c) subornar (para manter em silêncio). d) revidar, vingar-se. e) ter sucesso. f) acertar as contas com (pagar e despedir). g) deixar desenrolar (cabo, corda, etc.). h) Naut virar a sotavento. i) Naut cair a sotavento. to pay one’s dues conseguir alguma coisa com muito esforço ou sofrimento. to pay one’s way pagar as próprias despesas, sem contrair dívidas. to pay out a) despender, pagar. b) fazer ajuste de contas. c) coll punir, castigar, vingar-se. to pay up a) saldar, liquidar. b) pagar as custas, expiar. well-paid bem pago, bem remunerado.
    [pei] vt (ps and pp payed) Naut embrear.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > pay

  • 4 court

    [ko:t] 1. noun
    1) (a place where legal cases are heard: a magistrates' court; the High Court.) tribunal
    2) (the judges and officials of a legal court: The accused is to appear before the court on Friday.) tribunal
    3) (a marked-out space for certain games: a tennis-court; a squash court.) campo
    4) (the officials, councillors etc of a king or queen: the court of King James.) corte
    5) (the palace of a king or queen: Hampton Court.) Palácio
    6) (an open space surrounded by houses or by the parts of one house.) praça
    2. verb
    1) (to try to win the love of; to woo.) cortejar
    2) (to try to gain (admiration etc).) buscar
    3) (to seem to be deliberately risking (disaster etc).) arriscar-se a
    - courtly
    - courtliness
    - courtship
    - courthouse
    - court-martial
    - courtyard
    * * *
    [kɔ:t] n 1 pátio. 2 viela. 3 área, quadra para jogos. 4 mansão senhorial. 5 corte, a família e as pessoas que rodeiam um soberano. she was presented at court / ela foi introduzida na corte. 6 paço, residência real. 7 reunião formal organizada por um soberano. 8 corte de justiça, tribunal. he brought the case into court / ele levou o caso perante um tribunal. 9 juízes de um tribunal. 10 galanteio, corte, namoro. he paid her his court / ele lhe fez a corte. 11 cortejo, homenagem. • vt+vi 1 cortejar, galantear, agradar. 2 namorar. 3 solicitar, procurar, requestar. 4 provocar, atrair. at court na corte. court of appeal tribunal de apelação. court of claims tribunal de ações contra o governo. court of domestic relations tribunal das famílias e sucessões. court of honor n tribunal militar que investiga questões relacionadas com a honra. court of inquiry tribunal militar. court of justice tribunal de justiça. court of law tribunal de justiça. court of record tribunal de registro público. General Court Amer assembléia legislativa. in court no tribunal, perante um tribunal. in open court em julgamento público. tennis court quadra de tênis. the High Court of Justice o supremo tribunal (da Inglaterra e Gales em Londres). the High Court of Parliament reunião plenária do parlamento. to bring into court processar, levar perante o juiz. to come to court ser julgado (processo). to go into court processar. to pay court to (a woman) fazer a corte, cortejar (uma mulher). to put into court levar perante um tribunal. to put out of court excluir do julgamento. to settle out of court resolver amigavelmente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > court

  • 5 decree

    [di'kri:] 1. noun
    1) (an order or law: a decree forbidding hunting.) decreto
    2) (a ruling of a court of civil law.) sentença
    2. verb
    (to order, command or decide (something): The court decreed that he should pay the fine in full.) decretar
    * * *
    [dikr'i:] n 1 decreto, mandado, ordenação, lei. 2 édito, edital. 3 Theol lei de Deus, lei eterna. 4 vontade superior. 5 sentença. • vt+vi decretar, ordenar por decreto, determinar, decidir por lei ou autoridade.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > decree

  • 6 decree

    [di'kri:] 1. noun
    1) (an order or law: a decree forbidding hunting.) decreto
    2) (a ruling of a court of civil law.) sentença
    2. verb
    (to order, command or decide (something): The court decreed that he should pay the fine in full.) decretar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > decree

  • 7 dock

    I 1. [dok] noun
    1) (a deepened part of a harbour etc where ships go for loading, unloading, repair etc: The ship was in dock for three weeks.) doca
    2) (the area surrounding this: He works down at the docks.) docas
    3) (the box in a law court where the accused person sits or stands.) banco dos réus
    2. verb
    (to (cause to) enter a dock and tie up alongside a quay: The liner docked in Southampton this morning.) atracar
    - dockyard II [dok] verb
    (to cut short or remove part from: The dog's tail had been docked; His wages were docked to pay for the broken window.) cortar
    * * *
    [dɔk] n Bot labaça, azeda.
    [dɔk] n 1 parte grossa da cauda dos animais. 2 cauda cortada, rabo cotó. 3 rabicho. • vt 1 derrabar ou cortar a cauda, o rabo a. 2 encurtar, abreviar, reduzir, diminuir (pagamento). 3 despojar de, desfalcar, privar de.
    [dɔk] n 1 doca, dique, estaleiro, embarcadouro. 2 pl cais, instalações portuárias. 3 rail hangar, galpão. 4 banco dos réus. • vt+vi pôr um navio no estaleiro, fazer um navio entrar em doca ou estaleiro. dry dock, graving dock dique ou doca de querena. floating dock dique ou doca flutuante. in dry dock coll desempregado. wet dock doca de carga e descarga. to be in the dock 1 estar no banco dos réus. 2 em conserto.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > dock

  • 8 high

    1. adjective
    1) (at, from, or reaching up to, a great distance from ground-level, sea-level etc: a high mountain; a high dive; a dive from the high diving-board.) alto
    2) (having a particular height: This building is about 20 metres high; My horse is fifteen hands high.) de altura
    3) (great; large; considerable: The car was travelling at high speed; He has a high opinion of her work; They charge high prices; high hopes; The child has a high fever/temperature.) elevado
    4) (most important; very important: the high altar in a church; Important criminal trials are held at the High Court; a high official.) principal
    5) (noble; good: high ideals.) nobre
    6) ((of a wind) strong: The wind is high tonight.) forte
    7) ((of sounds) at or towards the top of a (musical) range: a high note.) alto
    8) ((of voices) like a child's voice (rather than like a man's): He still speaks in a high voice.) alto
    9) ((of food, especially meat) beginning to go bad.) estragado
    10) (having great value: Aces and kings are high cards.) de valor
    2. adverb
    (at, or to, a great distance from ground-level, sea-level etc: The plane was flying high in the sky; He'll rise high in his profession.) alto
    - highness
    - high-chair
    - high-class
    - higher education
    - high fidelity
    - high-handed
    - high-handedly
    - high-handedness
    - high jump
    - highlands
    - high-level
    - highlight
    3. verb
    (to draw particular attention to (a person, thing etc).) realçar
    - high-minded
    - high-mindedness
    - high-pitched
    - high-powered
    - high-rise
    - highroad
    - high school
    - high-spirited
    - high spirits
    - high street
    - high-tech
    4. adjective
    ((also hi-tech): high-tech industries.)
    - high treason
    - high water
    - highway
    - Highway Code
    - highwayman
    - high wire
    - high and dry
    - high and low
    - high and mighty
    - the high seas
    - it is high time
    * * *
    [hai] n 1 lugar elevado, algo que é alto. 2 Meteor lugar de alta pressão atmosférica. 3 trunfo mais alto (jogo de cartas). • adj 1 elevado, grande, alto. 2 superior, interior. 3 principal, importante. 4 nobre, ilustre, sublime, distinto, respeitado. 5 excelente, eminente. 6 soberbo, arrogante, orgulhoso. 7 caro, dispendioso. 8 custoso, difícil. 9 Pol extremo, intenso. 10 Mus agudo. 11 de cheiro forte, estragado (carne). 12 veemente, irritado. 13 agitado (mar), turbulento, violento. 14 vivo, animado, embriagado. • adv 1 altamente, sumamente, grandemente, fortemente. 2 ao alto, em alto grau ou quantidade. as high as até a altura de. from on high de cima, do céu. high and low em todos os cantos. it is high time está mais do que na hora. on high no alto, no céu. on the high seas em alto-mar. the Most High o Supremo, Deus. to be high a) ter preço alto, ter cotação alta. b) estar alto (embriagado). to have high words dizer injúrias. to live high levar uma vida cara. to mount the high horse bancar o importante. to pay high pagar caro. to play high fazer um jogo caro, apostar muito. to run high a) fazer mar grosso (agitado, tempestuoso). b) exaltar-se. with a high hand com pulso forte.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > high

  • 9 stand

    [stænd] 1. past tense, past participle - stood; verb
    1) (to be in an upright position, not sitting or lying: His leg was so painful that he could hardly stand; After the storm, few trees were left standing.) estar de pé
    2) ((often with up) to rise to the feet: He pushed back his chair and stood up; Some people like to stand (up) when the National Anthem is played.) pôr-se de pé
    3) (to remain motionless: The train stood for an hour outside Newcastle.) permanecer
    4) (to remain unchanged: This law still stands.) manter-se em vigor
    5) (to be in or have a particular place: There is now a factory where our house once stood.) encontrar-se
    6) (to be in a particular state, condition or situation: As matters stand, we can do nothing to help; How do you stand financially?) estar
    7) (to accept or offer oneself for a particular position etc: He is standing as Parliamentary candidate for our district.) candidatar-se
    8) (to put in a particular position, especially upright: He picked up the fallen chair and stood it beside the table.) colocar
    9) (to undergo or endure: He will stand (his) trial for murder; I can't stand her rudeness any longer.) sofrer
    10) (to pay for (a meal etc) for (a person): Let me stand you a drink!) pagar
    2. noun
    1) (a position or place in which to stand ready to fight etc, or an act of fighting etc: The guard took up his stand at the gate; I shall make a stand for what I believe is right.) posição
    2) (an object, especially a piece of furniture, for holding or supporting something: a coat-stand; The sculpture had been removed from its stand for cleaning.) suporte
    3) (a stall where goods are displayed for sale or advertisement.) quiosque
    4) (a large structure beside a football pitch, race course etc with rows of seats for spectators: The stand was crowded.) arquibancada
    5) ((American) a witness box in a law court.) barra das testemunhas
    - standing 3. noun
    1) (time of lasting: an agreement of long standing.) duração
    2) (rank or reputation: a diplomat of high standing.) prestígio
    4. adjective
    ((of an airline passenger or ticket) costing or paying less than the usual fare, as the passenger does not book a seat for a particular flight, but waits for the first available seat.) lista de espera
    5. adverb
    (travelling in this way: It costs a lot less to travel stand-by.) em lista de espera
    - standing-room
    - make someone's hair stand on end
    - stand aside
    - stand back
    - stand by
    - stand down
    - stand fast/firm
    - stand for
    - stand in
    - stand on one's own two feet
    - stand on one's own feet
    - stand out
    - stand over
    - stand up for
    - stand up to
    * * *
    [stænd] n 1 parada, pausa, descanso. 2 resistência, defesa. 3 lugar, posto, posição, estação, ponto. 4 plataforma, tribuna, estrado. 5 andaime, suporte, estante. 6 estande: recinto reservado a cada participante de uma exposição. 7 barraca, tenda, banca (de jornais e revistas). 8 grupo de árvores ou plantas. 9 coll loja, local de negócio. 10 Amer banco onde as testemunhas depõem. 11 arquibancada. 12 descanso, suporte. 13 pé, pedestal. • vt+vi (ps, pp stood) 1 estar em pé. 2 ter certa altura quando em pé, medir. 3 levantar, ficar em pé. 4 estar situado ou localizado, encontrar-se. 5 colocar, encostar, pôr em pé. don’t stand the umbrella against the table! / não encoste o guarda-chuva na mesa! 6 estar colocado, ocupar certo lugar ou cargo. 7 manter em certa posição. 8 sustentar. 9 estar, ser, encontrar-se. 10 continuar, permanecer, resistir, oferecer resistência. 11 tolerar, agüentar. I can’t stand him / não o posso tolerar. I can’t stand it any longer / não agüento mais isso. I can’t stand it / não tolero isso. there is no standing her stupidity / ninguém agüenta sua estupidez. 12 juntar-se, acumular-se. 13 durar. 14 sofrer, submeter-se, suportar. 15 custear, pagar. it stands me in eight dollars / coll isso me custa oito dólares. I’ll stand you a bottle / pago-lhe uma garrafa, convido-o para tomar um drinque. 16 manter um certo rumo. 17 parar, paralisar, ficar parado, estagnar. 18 valer, estar em vigor. 19 candidatar-se. he stands for Parliament / ele é candidato ao parlamento. 20 coll dar ou pagar conforme o trato. as it stands, as the case stands, as matters stand como estão as coisas, pela situação atual. and there it stands! basta! está encerrado o assunto! he stands no nonsense com ele não se brinca. he stands out like a sore thumb Amer sl ele chama a atenção (de maneira desagradável). how do we stand? como estamos? qual é a situação? it stands at that (cost) price o preço de custo é este. it stands to reason é plausível, evidente, razoável. stand off! saia de perto! vá embora! stand or fall vitória ou morte! the thermometer stands at 35° o termômetro marca 35°. the things I stand up in o que tenho no corpo (roupa). to be at a stand estar parado, estar perplexo, estar em dúvida, indeciso. to come to a stand chegar a um impasse. to make a stand parar, resistir, oferecer resistência, opor-se. to make a stand for something insistir em alguma coisa, responder por alguma coisa. to take a firm stand ocupar uma posição firme. to take one’s stand tomar posição, colocar-se. to take the stand Jur depor. to stand about ficar à toa, rodear. to stand against oferecer resistência, destacar-se de. to stand a good chance ter boas probabilidades. to stand a comparison poder enfrentar uma comparação. to stand alone estar sozinho, estar sem auxílio, estar em posição isolada. to stand aloof manter-se de lado, afastar-se. to stand aside sair ao caminho, ficar de lado. to stand at attention Mil tomar sentido. to stand back afastar-se, recuar. to stand between estar no caminho, estar no meio. to stand by estar presente, estar ao lado, assistir, estar de prontidão, manter (palavra). to stand by a thing defender uma coisa. to stand by one through thick and thin prestar assistência a outrem em qualquer vicissitude. to stand by one’s word manter sua palavra. to stand by someone assistir alguém, acudir. to stand condemned estar condenado. to stand corrected conformar-se com a pena, reconhecer seu erro. to stand down a) abdicar (em favor de outrem). b) Brit dar baixa (soldados). c) deixar o banco de testemunhas. to stand fast resistir, não ceder. to stand fire resistir à prova (suportar o fogo do inimigo). to stand first ser o primeiro, estar em primeiro lugar. to stand for a) significar, querer dizer. b) pretender. c) ter rumo para, velejar para. d) auxiliar. e) ser responsável por, representar. to stand forth mostrar-se, salientar-se. to stand from Naut vir de, ter rumo de, velejar de. to stand gaping ficar de boca aberta, boquiaberto. to stand godfather (to) ser padrinho (de). to stand good ter valor, estar válido. to stand high ter bom nome, ter boa fama. to stand in a) Naut velejar em direção à terra. b) substituir alguém (serviço). to stand in awe ter temor de. to stand in fear ter medo de. to stand in line ficar na fila. to stand in need of ter necessidade de, precisar. to stand in someone’s way estar no caminho de alguém, atrapalhar alguém, impedir alguém. to stand off ficar de lado, afastar-se, retroceder, retrair-se, recusar-se, protelar (pagamento), Naut ficar ao largo. to stand off from Naut afastar-se de. to stand on basear-se em alguma coisa, contar com alguma coisa. to stand on ceremony fazer cerimônias. to stand on end estar em pé (cabelos). to stand one’s ground manter-se, defender-se, ficar firme, não ceder. to stand on one’s dignity fazer questão da sua dignidade. to stand on one’s head ficar de ponta-cabeça, ficar de pernas para o ar. to stand one’s tackling manter seu ponto de vista. to stand on one’s right insistir em seu direito. to stand on your own two feet ser independente, ser auto-suficiente, andar com as próprias pernas. to stand out salientar-se, distinguir-se, sobressair, resistir, não ceder. to stand out for insistir em. to stand over ficar, sobrar, ficar em atraso, adiar, protelar. to stand pat Amer a) conformar-se, opor-se a mudanças. b) Game não pedir cartas, passar. to stand ready to prontificar-se, dispor-se a. to stand security dar fiança, garantir. to stand someone friend mostrar-se amigo para alguém. to stand someone up faltar a um encontro. to stand something on its head mudar de repente, virar de pernas para o ar. to stand still imobilizar-se, ficar parado. to stand the test (ou a trial) passar a prova. to stand to a) permanecer, manter. b) aderir a. c) apoiar, defender. she stood to him / ela o defendeu. to stand trial ser submetido a julgamento. to stand up a) levantar-se. b) Amer decepcionar, abandonar, deixar na mão. to stand up against levantar-se contra, rebelar-se, lutar contra. to stand up for defender, apoiar, tomar o partido de. to stand upon insistir em, basear-se em. to stand upon one’s guard tomar cuidado, precaver-se. to stand up to encarar, enfrentar. to stand well with dar-se bem com, ter amizade com. what stand do you take? qual é a sua opinião?

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stand

  • 10 dock

    I 1. [dok] noun
    1) (a deepened part of a harbour etc where ships go for loading, unloading, repair etc: The ship was in dock for three weeks.) doca
    2) (the area surrounding this: He works down at the docks.) docas
    3) (the box in a law court where the accused person sits or stands.) banco de réus
    2. verb
    (to (cause to) enter a dock and tie up alongside a quay: The liner docked in Southampton this morning.) atracar
    - dockyard II [dok] verb
    (to cut short or remove part from: The dog's tail had been docked; His wages were docked to pay for the broken window.) amputar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > dock

  • 11 stand

    [stænd] 1. past tense, past participle - stood; verb
    1) (to be in an upright position, not sitting or lying: His leg was so painful that he could hardly stand; After the storm, few trees were left standing.) ficar em pé
    2) ((often with up) to rise to the feet: He pushed back his chair and stood up; Some people like to stand (up) when the National Anthem is played.) levantar-se
    3) (to remain motionless: The train stood for an hour outside Newcastle.) ficar
    4) (to remain unchanged: This law still stands.) permanecer
    5) (to be in or have a particular place: There is now a factory where our house once stood.) ficar
    6) (to be in a particular state, condition or situation: As matters stand, we can do nothing to help; How do you stand financially?) estar
    7) (to accept or offer oneself for a particular position etc: He is standing as Parliamentary candidate for our district.) candidatar-se
    8) (to put in a particular position, especially upright: He picked up the fallen chair and stood it beside the table.) pôr em pé
    9) (to undergo or endure: He will stand (his) trial for murder; I can't stand her rudeness any longer.) agüentar, submeter-se a
    10) (to pay for (a meal etc) for (a person): Let me stand you a drink!) oferecer
    2. noun
    1) (a position or place in which to stand ready to fight etc, or an act of fighting etc: The guard took up his stand at the gate; I shall make a stand for what I believe is right.) posição
    2) (an object, especially a piece of furniture, for holding or supporting something: a coat-stand; The sculpture had been removed from its stand for cleaning.) suporte
    3) (a stall where goods are displayed for sale or advertisement.) estande
    4) (a large structure beside a football pitch, race course etc with rows of seats for spectators: The stand was crowded.) tribuna, arquibancada
    5) ((American) a witness box in a law court.) barra
    - standing 3. noun
    1) (time of lasting: an agreement of long standing.) duração
    2) (rank or reputation: a diplomat of high standing.) reputação
    4. adjective
    ((of an airline passenger or ticket) costing or paying less than the usual fare, as the passenger does not book a seat for a particular flight, but waits for the first available seat.) sem reserva, em lista de espera
    5. adverb
    (travelling in this way: It costs a lot less to travel stand-by.) sem reserva
    - standing-room - make someone's hair stand on end - stand aside - stand back - stand by - stand down - stand fast/firm - stand for - stand in - stand on one's own two feet - stand on one's own feet - stand out - stand over - stand up for - stand up to

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > stand

См. также в других словарях:

  • pay court to — To woo or flatter • • • Main Entry: ↑court * * * I pay flattering attention to someone in order to win favor II see court * * * pay court to formal + old fashioned : to give a lot of attention to (someone) in order to get approval, affection, etc …   Useful english dictionary

  • pay court to — ► pay court to pay flattering attention to. Main Entry: ↑court …   English terms dictionary

  • pay court to someone — literary phrase to try to make someone like you by showing them how much you admire or love them Thesaurus: to start a romantic or sexual relationshipsynonym Main entry: pay …   Useful english dictionary

  • pay court to somebody — pay ˈcourt to sb idiom (old fashioned) to treat sb with great respect in order to gain favour with them Main entry: ↑payidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • pay court to — pay flattering attention to. → court …   English new terms dictionary

  • pay court to — {v. phr.} To woo; to shower with attention. * /He had been paying court to her for three long years before he worked up the courage to ask her to marry him./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • pay court to — {v. phr.} To woo; to shower with attention. * /He had been paying court to her for three long years before he worked up the courage to ask her to marry him./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • pay\ court\ to — v. phr. To woo; to shower with attention. He had been paying court to her for three long years before he worked up the courage to ask her to marry him …   Словарь американских идиом

  • pay court — discover a liking, discover fondness; romance, make a romantic approach …   English contemporary dictionary

  • pay court to someone — literary to try to make someone like you by showing them how much you admire or love them …   English dictionary

  • court — [n1] yard, garden of building cloister, close, compass, courtyard, curtilage, enclosure, forum, patio, piazza, plaza, quad, quadrangle, square, street; concepts 509,513 court [n2] ruler’s attendants castle, cortege, entourage, hall, lords and… …   New thesaurus

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